Monday, June 16, 2008

CLI or Not to CLI...That is our question!

Jweb is the graphical configuration tool for J-Series routers. I am going to mainly focus on the CLI commands. The CLI is multi-modal. The two modes are operational and configuration mode.

Mode differences and the run command:
  • Operational Mode is for troubleshooting and monitoring the status of the router, network, and software
  • Configuration Mode is where interfaces, routing protocols, and other statements are located.
  • Any command you can do in operational mode, you can do in configuration mode with the run command
Eg: user@routername# run show route

"Gaining Access to the Router"

Access to the router can be accomplished in a number of ways:
  • Direct physical console access
  • Secure Shell or SSH
  • Telnet

Upon gaining access to the router, you will see a login: prompt. After supplying a valid username and password you will be in operational mode (similar to user-exec mode in Cisco.)

Note: The only user where the above mentioned scenario is not the case is for the user root. The root user is placed into a shell and MUST issue the cli command.

EG: root@routername% cli

Commands in Operational Mode:

  • ping
  • traceroute
  • ssh
  • telnet
  • request (JUNOS specific) request commands are systemwide for rebooting, upgrade, and router shutdown
  • restart (JUNOS specific) like kill commands, used to restart or halt processes
  • test (JUNOS specific) used to test config files, interfaces, and policies similar to Access Control Lists (ACLs) in Cisco.

You can perform unix-like command completion using the SPACE or TAB keys (TAB completes commands and variables, like interface names, SPACE will only complete commands. When a command is ambiguous, JUNOS will list possible completions.

Note about software processes and the CLI:

The mgd daemon is the software process that controls the CLI.

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