Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You're In Trouble(shooting) Now!

Today, we are in trouble, troubleshooting mode that is! Juniper routers allow multiple IP addresses to be applied to a single, physical interface. What this mean is, if you issued the command set unit 100 family inet address from the edit interfaces fe-2/0/1 hierarchy and then realized it was incorrect you would need to delete that entry before adding a new one. Otherwise, fe-2/0/1 would have two addresses when you really only wanted one!

Addresses are NOT overridden per logical unit, they are simply added to the logical unit. Here is an example of our double jeopardy:

[edit interfaces fe-2/0/1]



unit 100 {

vlan-id 100;

family inet {





In the above example, /24 is the incorrect mask and /27 is what we need. you can use the delete set unit 100 family inet address command to correct this.

Note: you can also use the rename command like this: rename address to address

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Virtually Multiplicity Redux

Virtual Routing Redundancy Protocol or VRRP, was an open standard created to eliminate single points of failure that are found in many static default routed networks. (In Cisco, the equivalent protocol is Hot Standby Routing Protocol or HSRP.) In a fault tolerant network, it is ideal to have failover secondary devices that appear transparent to the user. In other words, the user does not have a perceived loss of connectivity.

In VRRP, a logical grouping of multiple physical routers is created to masquerade as one single device with the use of a "virtual IP" address. This virtual address will act as the gateway interface for end host devices. In this way, if there is a device failure, hosts do not see it. Routers belonging to the same VRRP group share a "virtual Media Access Control" or MAC address as well as an IP address. There is an election process that describes how ownership of the virtual interfaces takes place.

  1. One router in the VRRP group acts as the master router and has ownership of the virtual MAC and IP address until there is a failure. All routers in the same VRRP group share a group value ranging from 1-255

  2. A failure causes another router to claim ownership through a combination of a VRRP message and gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol or ARP request.

  3. Once a router takes ownership and becomes the new master router, it periodically sends out VRRP messages to indicate reachability.

Let's talk a bit more about some of the other properties of our VRRP router...

Configuration for VRRP is done as a logical property in [edit]. First a group value is assigned to all routers participating in the VRRP group. Then, a virtual IP address is assigned that end hosts will see as their default gateway. The VIP could be an address already belonging to a router in the group, or an address available from the LAN segment. Finally, a priority value (100 by default) can bet set to control master router elections.

Note: The router with the highest priority value becomes master for the group. If the priority values are equal, then priority is given to the highest local LAN IP. Also, while priority values range from 0-255, both zero and one are reserved. Priority 0 is "immediate release of mastership role" and 255 is used if the virtual IP is a physical interface owned by that router.

You can also track an interface's priority settings in case of interface failure to ensure reachability to upstream devices. The way this can be accomplished is to subtract a configured value from the advertised priority value.

"Whose fault is it? Default!"

VRRP has "preemption" enabled by default. What this means: Anytime a router has a higher priority value, it becomes the master router. This can cause temporary disruption of the network during the election process. You can use the no-preempt command to control that behavior.

You can show which router is the master router and other operational statistics with the show vrrp summary command.

VRRP issues:

A router that is participating in VRRP should NEVER forward packets address to the virtual IP address or addresses it becomes master for if it is not the owner according to RFC 3768. RFC is short for "Request for Comment." What this means to us is, an address used as the VIP that does not exist as an interface for routers in the VRRP group, like a valid IP address on our LAN segment could cause issues. One of those issues is being unable to ping the virtual IP address. On a Juniper router, you can use the accept-data command to allow a master router to respond to the VIP address. However, a word of caution, accept-data can cause unnecessary traffic on affected LAN segments.

In the next section, we will get our "feet wet" in interface troubleshooting.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Virtually Multiplicity

Last Session, we left off with configuring ISDN as a backup link and talked a bit about DSL...In this lastest installment on our road to Juniper certification, we will explore Multi-link PPP, Generic Routing Encapsulation or GRE, and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol.(VRRP) We will then move to some common interface troubleshooting techniques.

PPP has a lot going for it in terms of a protocol. In addition to authentication and support for multiple protocol types, individual PPP links can be combined using the Multi-Link Point-to-Point protocol. RFC 1990 details the "software bundling" of multiple PPP links together as one. JUNOS allows for up to eight physical interface links to be assigned to a bundle.

In order to support MLPPP on Juniper equipment, you need a hardware PIC in the case of M/T Series routers or appropriate software support in the J-Series platform. We will discuss configuration steps next:

  1. Configure the pseudolink interface appropriate for your routing platform

  2. Our new link will have all the properties of a regular PPP interface but will have a multi-link ppp encapsulation. The links will be assigned as multiple unit numbers. In the following configuration, the bundle will be assigned to unit 0:


unit 0{

encapsulation multilink-ppp;

family inet{




Next we will configure the links and link service interface. Interfaces se-1/0/0 and se-1/0/1 are added to the bundle on the ls-0/0/0 interface. (Our link service logical interface.)


unit 0{

family mlppp{

bundle ls-0/0/0;





unit 0{

family mlppp{

bundle ls-0/0/0.0;




We can verify the status of our newly created bundle with the show interfaces terse command. The link service interface will remain in the up state as long as one of our physical interfaces is up. This behaviour can be modified with the minimum-links command in the link service interface hierarchy.

While we are on the subject of protocols and their associated encapsulations, let's delve into Generic Routing Encapsulation. GRE is a "stateless" tunneling protocol. Stateless in this context refers to a connection that is created with no monitoring of the endpoint or other tunnel endpoints. It is mostly used in conjunction with Virtual Private networks or VPNs. It can also be used to establish back up links to a location or to carry non IP traffic over an IP network (Frame Relay,ATM, or Ethernet.)

In order to create a GRE tunnel, a Juniper device must be equipped with the Layer 2 services PIC (M and T-Series) or is native in the J-Series platform. When you activate the service, a pseudo interface called 'gr' is created. You need three things in terms of configuration to make our new interface useful:

  1. inteface must be configured with the source IP for the GRE packets (where they are originating from)

  2. The tunnel's destination

  3. Protocols that the GRE will carry (An IP address for the 'gr' interface is not required, but is good to have for management purposes.)

Note: Remember the gre interface is used by the router internally and should not be configured to be a GRE tunnel.

Here is an example of a configured gr interface for GRE:


unit 0





family inet



Now all that remains, is to map traffic for use by the GRE tunnel. You can do this with a static route with a destination next-hop address of the gr interface, or using a protocol such as OSPF(Open Shortest Path First.)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Lines, My Lines!

In the last section we left off with Frame Relay. In this section we will explore even more transport media such as DSL and ISDN, and others.

Acronym of the Moment:

DSLAM: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (Concentrates multiple DSL connections together)

ADSL: Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service

SHDSL: Symmetric High speed Digital Subscriber Line

PPPoE: Point to Point Over Ethernet

DSL is one of the most popular connection media for consumers and companies alike. DSL runs over existing POTS wiring with the use of a DSL modem. This connection feeds into a telephone company's DSLAM. Some J-Series routers have support for ADSL using PPPoE over ATM applications. The interfaces will appear to be ATM connections, but do not support native ATM, only ATM over DSL. Let's take a look at the following example:
labuser@labrouter#show interfaces
at-6/0/0 {
encapsulation ethernet-over-atm;
atm-options {
vpi 0;
dsl-options {
operating-mode auto;
unit 0; {
encapsulation ppp-over-ether-over atm-llc;
vci 0.39;
Our J-Series Lab router has an ADSL Annex A PIM installed on slot 6. (Annex A is DSL over POTS, Annex B is DSL over ISDN respectively.) The lab router will be a client to our phone company's DSL multiplexer so that the Lab router can act as a DSL modem. As shown in the example above, we are using PPPoe over ATM for our DSL. We need configuration for the physical interface at-6/0/0. and a logical interface. You will notice in our configuration that there is a vci and vpi statement.
VPI is Virtual Path Identifier and VCI is a Virtual Channel Identifier and these must be the same as what is configured at the DSLAM. The remainder of the parameters can be learned from the DSLAM with the operating mode auto statement.

"On to Our Logical Interface...."

Now that we have our ATM interface, we now will configure an internal PPPoE interface and its' mappings. We need to map our physical interface where PPPoE will be running, the access server, and underlying requested services. See Below:

unit 0{
underlying-interface at-6/0/0.0;
access-concentrator labisp;
service-name pppserv@labisp;
auto-reconnect 5;
family inet{
You can verify your new connection with run show pppoe interfaces.

ISDN is a protocol designed to run over the public telephone network. Like Frame Relay, ISDN is seeing less deployment with the emergence of DSL and other broadband technologies. Just like in our previous example, ISDN on a Juniper router requires a logical interface and a physical one. Our physical interface, br which will contain the dialing number and switch type. In our lab router br-0/0/4 will be configured with a switch type of etsi for Europe NET3. Also, a dial pool we create will map our physical interface to a logical unit in our dialer interface. First we configure our physical interface:

[edit interfaces]
switch-type etsi;
pool labpool1;
Now on to the dialer interface which contains our number we need a number to dial, an IP address, and our pool mapping our logical interface to br-0/0/4... dl0 will be our dialer interface and we will set up our "dialer filter" to establish a connection only when there is "interesting traffic" (More on this in a moment.)

unit 0{
pool labpool1;
dial-string 5559999;
family inet{
dialer dial_filter;

Here is our simple dialer filter "dial_filter" that brings up our connection any time packets are destined for using the note action. All other destinations are ignored in term b without a corresponding from statement.

family inet{
dialer-filter dial_filter{
term a{
then note;
term b{
then ignore;

ISDN is commonly used as a backup link for other interfaces if they fail. To configure the ISDN as backup, the dl0 interface can be mapped to our interface requiring backup. The interface we are backing up is fe-0/0/1:

[edit interfaces fe-0/0/1 unit 0]
interface dl0.0;
Presumably, the ISDN interface would stay up even if the entire path is not reachable. It is also wise to configure a list of reachable IP networks when interfaces are working normally. In our lab example, a single network of is used to verify connectivity with the use of a watch list.

unit 0{
pool labpool1;
dial-string 5559999;
family inet{
You can make calls between ISDN devices. To accept a call, an incoming dialer map can be configured on dl0:
unit 0{
pool labpool1;
caller 384030;
family inet{

You can use the show isdn and show dialer commands to verify the interface is working. show isdn will verify Layers 1-3 connectivity and switch type. show dialer will indicate per channel status.

Monday, June 23, 2008

VLAN Tagging, You're It!

Let's continue on from the previous post with a discussion of VLAN Tagging. VLAN tagging is a mechanism to denote a way to tell networking devices what virtual network to ship a particular packet to and from. Many times, networking devices can be geographically distant. With VLANs interfaces can "appear" to be part of the same network. To configure vlan tagging for our interface from the last session:

  1. root@routername#configure
  2. edit interfaces fe-2/0/1
  3. set vlan-tagging
  4. Next we add a VLAN ID of 100 on our logical unit 0: root@routername#set unit 0 vlan-id 100
  5. show our new configuration with the show command

Caution! Juniper routers DO NOT have a default VLAN! Every VLAN must be explicitly configured. Many switches have a default VLAN of 1. Make sure to configure a vlan-id of 1 for connectivity.

It is a common "best practice" to have th einterface unit number be the same as the VLAN ID, so we change the unit number with the rename unit 0 to unit 100 command. Let's activate the change with root@routername#commit To retest for connectivity, issue run ping count 3 When it succeeds, we can view our interface with run show interfaces terse fe-2/0/1

Now let us move on to T1 interfaces...

T1 is a very extensively used signaling method in North America. For point-to-point links on Juniper devices, the default encapsulation is PPP. This differs with many other vendor's equipment whose default encapsulation is Cisco HDLC (There is a standard HDLC protocol, but it did not have multi-protocol support. Cisco's HDLC implementation is "officially" proprietary, but the workings are well known and supported by many vendors.) Here is a configuration example for a T1 interface.

  1. edit interfaces t1-0/0/2
  2. set encapsulation cisco-hdlc
  3. set unit 0 family inet address
  4. commit

Acronyms of the Moment:

DTE: Data Terminal Equipment

DCE: Data-circuit Terminal Equipment

"Serial is not Breakfast!"

Serial interfaces have a variety of physical forms such as, V.35, X.21, and EIA 530. V.35 is most commonly seen in the United States and X.21 is common in Japan. All serial interfaces define their connection in terms of a DCE and a DTE. DCE devices provide clocking signals, encoding, and signal conversion to the DTE. Normally routers will default to DTE mode by default until wired up and a DCE(female cable) is detected.

Let's view our DCE status with the run show interfaces se-1/0/0 extensive find "serial media" command. The DTE/DCE detection can be found in the local mode field.

Note: Proper care must be taken to configure the correct clock mode. Without proper clocking, the link status will be considered "down."

Under the [serial-options] in the [edit interfaces] hierarchy a clocking-mode may be set. The default is internal or loop timed, and the clock rate is 8Mhz

"Serial with Frame Relay"

Frame Relay is a Layer 2 enapsulation method that allows a LAN connection via a Wide Area Network Connection (WAN) to a Frame Relay node. Frame Relay uses Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) tunnelling over an Internet Service Provider's infrastructure to provide the LAN's connectivity.

Acronyms of the Moment:

DSL: Digital Subscriber Line

DLCI: Data Link Circuit Identifier

With the widespread emergence of other broadband technologies such as DSL and IP networks, Frame Relay is mostly seen in rural areas as a cheap "always on" service. To establish a Frame Relay connection, the frame-relay encapsualtion is set, along with a local circuit identifier for the PVC in the form of a DLCI.

  1. edit interface se-1/0/0
  2. set unit 645 family inet address
  3. set encapsulation frame-relay
  4. set dlci 645
  5. commit

Note: No routers were harmed in the making of this blog ;-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Logical Versus Physical

All interfaces in JUNOS and most other networking devices have two properties; logical and physical. Physical properties belong to an entire physical port, whereas logical properties correspond to the portion of the interface represented by a unit or channel number. Depending on the type of physical port installed, a large number of properties can be configured. We will detail some of the most common here:

  • Clocking: Aligns bits as they are transmitted out of the interface. A clock signal can be supplied by a Service Provider or by the router.

  • Encapsulation: Layer 2 encapsulation used on the interface. Examples include Frame Relay, Point to Point Protocol or PPP, and Cisco Highlevel Data Link Control or HDLC

  • MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit, which is the maximum size of the frame transmitted from the interface.

  • Keepalives: Used to verify the operation of the interface. Most encapsulations enable keepalives by default, but they can be disabled to aid troubleshooting.

  • Layer 1/2 Options: Various bit and byte settings for the interface media such as framing, flow control, and source address filters

All router interfaces sending and recieving traffic or packets require a logical unit to be configured. This way, an interface may be divided into multiple logical interfaces (subinterfaces in Cisco) This division then could be used to create multiple Virtual Local Area Networks or VLANs with their own logical unit. Note: Many router vendors do not require a subinterface or logical unit on every physical interface but a Juniper router does. Even point-to-point interfaces and non VLAN tagged interfaces need a logical unit to be configured.

In JUNOS, unit numbers MUST be configured before any other logical configuration is applied. Here are some of the common logical properties that can be configured.

  • Protocol Family refers to the Layer 3 protocols that can be sent and recieved on this interface. The most common is family inet. Other protocol amilies include IPv6, Multi Protocol Label Switching or MPLS, and ISO (Intermediate System to Intermediate System IS-IS)

  • Protocol Address: Layer 3 family address such as family inet (IP address)

  • Virtual Circuit Address: Circuit identifier use when an interface is divided logically. Logical interfaces include VLAN IDs, Frame Relay Data Link Connection Identifier or DLCI, or ATM virtual path/Virtual Connection Identifiers (VP/VCI)

  • Logical unit numbers can range from 0-16,385

  • The best practice is to keep circuit address the same as the unit number for ease of toubleshooting.

  • Note: If you are configuring a point to point interface the unit number MUST be zero!

"More Interface Configuration Examples"

Let's demonstrate configuring a Fast Ethernet interface in JUNOS:

Note: Remember interfaces in JUNOS are 'automatically enabled' when the physical connection is wired. So, after cabling up, we check the status of our Fast Ethernet Interface:

  1. root@routername> show interfaces terse fe-2/0/1

  2. Once we determine that the interface is up, we enter configuration mode: root@routername#configure
  3. We are brought to the [edit] hierarchy and now, to edit our interface: root@routername# edit interfaces fe-2/0/1

  4. Establish the unit: root@routername#set unit 0 family inet address

  5. JUNOS software requires a mask for every IP address in the classless CIDR notation (Classless Inter Domain Routing). This is denoted by the / (slash)

  6. Execute a show command: root@routername#show to verify our newly created interface

  7. Activate our new changes with commit: root@routername# commit-and-quit

  8. Let's verify our newly created interface with ping: root@routername#ping count 3

The reason for the count command with ping is, a Juniper router will send an endless number of pings unless a number of packets is specified or you use Ctrl-C

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The shape of things to come...

Before, we were talking about interfaces on our Juniper router. In this session we will begin with a more in depth discussion of transient interfaces. Remember that transient interfaces are able to be removed or changed out, permanent ones are not.

For now, let's talk a bit about the way interfaces are named in the Juniper world. The convention for all JUNOS interfaces is the interface name followed by three numbers that indicate the interface's physical location. It is in the form MM-F/P/T where:

  • MM: is the media type

  • F: is the chassis slot number

  • P: PIC slot number

  • T: Port number

Listed here are a few common media types and a little bit about them:

  • ae: Aggregated Ethernet which is a logical link of multiple Ethernet interfaces (IEEE 802.3ad Analogous to Etherchannel in Cisco)

  • at: ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) sends fixed-length 53 byte cells over the transport media. Also can be use for ATM over Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL)

  • br: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

  • e1: Standard digital communication over copper at 2.048Mbps (Used in Europe)

  • e3: Standard digital communication over copper at 34.368Mbps (Used in Europe)

  • t1: Physical layer standard used extensively in North America (Digital signal level 1) at 1.544Mbps

  • t3: Physical layer standard used extensively in North America (Digital signal level 3) at 44.736Mbps

  • fe: 100Mbps standard created by Xerox in the 1970s, referred to as a Local Area Network or LAN

  • ge: High speed Ethernet standard at 1 or 10 Gbps

  • se: Serial one bit at a time communication (EIA 530,V.35, X.21)

  • ct1: T1 interface divided into 24 DS0 channels (DS0 is 56 kbps)

The 'F' in the interface name represents a chassis slot number

  • On an M-Series router it is represented by a Flexible PIC Concentrator slot number, with two possible slot orientations horizontal or vertical. For the M40e and M320 are vertically mounted starting with slot 0 and counting from left to right. The smaller M7i and M10i are horizontally mounted starting with 0 and counting from top to bottom

  • Note: The M7i slot 1 is reserved for the Fixed Interface Card slots

  • A J-Series router has PIMs instead of PICs because the RE is implemented in software.

  • For a J-Series router, all fixed ports live in slot zero, and PIM slots are numbered 1-6 from top to bottom and left to right.

The PIC slot number is represented by the letter P. In the M-Series routers four PICs can fit into one Flexible PIC concentrator slot starting at 0 and going to slot 3. The direction of PIC slot numbering is dependant on the chassis orientation whether horizontal or vertical. Let's explore this in a little more detail:

  • In the vertical M-Series chassis orientation, PIC slots are counted 0.1,2,3 top to bottom

  • For the horizontal M-Series like the M7i and M10i, PIC numbering is right to left 0,1,2,3

  • Thing of note: For the M7i second FPC slot, only two possible slot numbers exist, one for a built-in tunnel interface or an ASM (Adaptive Services Module) and slot three is for Fixed Ethernet interfaces.
  • In the J-Series there are no PIC slots so the F naming convention for interface naming is always set to zero

The last part of the interface name represented by the letter T is the physical port. There are various ways the physical ports are numbered, depending on the PIC and router model.

  • For vertical chassis orientations like the M40e and M320 port numbers begin in the top right of the chassis and move from the bottom to the top and then left to right.
  • For horizontal chassis orientations like the M20, M7i, and M10i port numbers begin in the bottom right of the chassis and move right to left then, bottom to top.
  • Note: To avoid confusion, the port numbers are always written on the PICs themselves
  • Fixed Ethernet ports in the M7i from right to left starting at zero
  • For the J-Series, ALL ports are numbered left to right

Here I will list a few M-Series example interfaces to show the interface numbering more clearly:

se-1/0/0 : Serial interface FPC slot 1 , PIC slot 0, port 0

fe-0/2/1 : Fast Ethernet interface in FPC slot 0, PIC slot 2, port 2 (remember port numbering starts with 0!)

t1-1/0/1 : T1 interface in FPC slot 1, PIC slot zero, port 2

In the next section we will begin Interface Properties in JUNOS....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Connect and share with interfaces

"Hi ho interfaces away!"

Any device in the world of networking must have interfaces. In this session we will talk about some aspects that interfaces on a Juniper router have:
  • Types of interfaces
  • Naming conventions
  • Interface properties
  • Configuration

Juniper routers have two flavors of interfaces, transient and permanent. You cannot remove permanent interfaces, but you can move and change out transient interfaces.

Let's talk more about the types of permanent interfaces and their uses:

On the M/T-Series routers two permanent interfaces exist:

Acronyms of the Moment:

OOB: Out of Band management (remote access to router)

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol

RP: multicast Rendezvous Point

For M and T-Series routers

  • fxp0: Ethernet interface that can provide remote access to the router. You can send SNMP or syslog management messages over this interface Caution! fxp0 is a non-transit interface which means traffic cannot travel over this interface! Do not run any routing protocols on this interface.
  • fxp1: This is an internal interface between the PFE and RE. This interface is never configured, but can be useful for router troubleshooting. This interface does not exist in the software driven J-Series platform.

Other types of interfaces created by the router at startup:

  • lo0: Loopback interface of the router. The loopback interface is often assigned an address for management purposes or to allow the router to adapt to network or physical interface failures. When configured with a firewall filter, the loopback protects the router from attacks.
  • sp: Service interface is used for Network Address Translation or NAT, IP Security (IPSec) and stateful firewalls
  • pd: A de-encapsulation interface for PIMs so that PIM interface registers may be processed and allows the creation of a multicast Rendezvous Point. J-Series only
  • pe: PIM encapsulation interface is used in multicast to create and send a unicast PIM register message to the Rendezvous Point or RP. J-Series only
  • ip: used for IP over IP encapsulation and tunneling
  • dsc: Discard interface used to silently discard packets. Used to ward off Denial of Service attacks or DoS.
  • tap: Historically used in BSD systems for monitoring discarded packets but is no longer "officially" supported.

We will talk about transient interfaces next

This is how we roll(back)!

In this session of my Juniper blog, we will be talking about syntax checking, the rollback command, and what to do when you need help from your Juniper router. Remember that a Juniper router has two configurations at all times, the active configuration and the candidate configuration. When you commit a configuration, the candidate configuration becomes the active configuration.

The old active configuration is archived into a rollback file, rollback 1. Juniper routers save 49 previous configurations.

  • You must commit the rollback file to make it active

  • rollback 0 will copy the active config to the candidate config

  • You can use the compare command to compare any two files and output the lines that are different

  • Eg: user@routername# show compare under the [edit] hierarchy

"Don't worry I will save you!"

Many times a user may wish to save the candidate configuration to his/her home directory. You can use a pipe command to do this:

Caution! The save command saves from the current hierarchy you are in! If you were in another hierarchy, you could issue the top command to go to [edit] Then issue the save command from there in order to save the whole configuration. under the [edit] hierarchy it would look like:

Eg: user@routername# save we_love_junos

Suppose you have the same system login information you want configured for a number of routers in your enterprise. In this scenario it is desirable to save a portion of the configuration. Remember that the save command saves from the current hierarchy. In the case of our router access, its' information is contained in the [edit system login] hierarchy

Now that we can save part or the whole active configuration, we may also wish to archive a section of a configuration in whole or in part. We do this with the set archival configuration commands. You can archive on commit or at a time you specify.

Acronyms of the Moment:

FTP: File Transfer Protocol

SCP: Secure CoPy

FTP and SCP can be used to copy the archival files from the router to a server under archival-sites configuration.

"Load 'em up and move out!"

Loading a configuration is accomplished with the load command. The load command has several options. Only a few are covered here:

  • load override replaces current candidate config with file you specify

  • Eg: user@routername# load override we_love_junos

You can use load merge to add small sections of configuration to the candidate config.

  • Eg: user@routername# load merge only_system_logins

  • Alternately, the load terminal command can be used to paste in configuration. In using this method you must be in the hierarchy level the configuration you are pasting in lives. You can use the relative keyword in the [edit system] hierarchy to paste in our router login config.

  • You may load set commands directly into the router with load set terminal

"Asking our router for help."

  • The (?) mark

  • help command

  • help topic

  • help reference

help topic and help reference have some differences. help reference will show actual syntax and usage, whereas help topic will tell you what a command does and when to use it.

Ancillary things:

  • schedule configuration activation with the commit at timeinterval command

  • removing large pieces of configuration using wildcard delete string command

  • common configuration changes can be made with the replace pattern pattern command

Exam Topics Check-In

  • list line of enterprise routers

  • describe transit and host processing

  • packet flow differences between M7i/M10 and J-Series routers

  • key differences between the M7i/M10 and J-Series routers

  • configuration management

  • JUNOS CLI features (modes, prompts, auto-complete, EMACS keystrokes, and pipe

  • commands used in configuration mode (edit, set, delete, and commit)

  • manipulation of saved configuration files (rollback and load, and rollback file locations)

  • describe the configuration hierarchy

  • describe active, candidate, and rollback configurations

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We will all become white rappers and call ourselves "config t"

Hi everyone! Welcome again to another thrilling installment of my Juniper blog! In the last session we talked mainly about operational mode commands and moving about the CLI. In this installment, we will focus on configuration mode and the JUNOS hierarchy. To enter configuration mode in JUNOS you issue the configure command from within the CLI. The router prompt will change:



"It's all about multiplicity"

The default operation of configuration mode is that multiple users can edit the router's configuration at the same time.

  • configure private command allows only one user to configure the router

  • configure exclusive will allow multiple users to edit different portions of the configuration

Use set commands to add configuration to the router.

Eg: user@routername# set system services telnet

In JUNOS, the top level directory is edit with several sub directories below it. View them with the set ? command. The opposite of placing configuration into the router with the set command is the delete command.

Note: Do not use the delete command carelessly as it may delete a whole directory if you do not specify a particular command!

You can use the up command followed by a number to traverse a specified number of levels under the edit hierarchy. The top command will take you to the root directory, edit.
With such a plethora of commands in this section and previous sections, it has now become time to activate our new configuration statements!

This is accomplished with the commit command. The commit command activates the configuration we were just editing, called the candidate configuration.

"More on active configuration versus candidate configuration..."

In a Juniper router there are two configurations always present:

  • Active configuration Current configuration running on the router (running-config in Cisco)
  • Candidate configuration (The configuration we edit until we issue a commit.)

In the next session we will talk more about syntax "sanity checking" and rolling back...

Monday, June 16, 2008

EMACS and More!

Acronym of the Moment:
EMACS: Editor MACroS

Navigation in the JUNOS CLI is accomplished by EMACS style keystrokes. A few of the more useful ones shall be illustrated here. (Only in vt100 mode)

  • ctrl-b: Move the cursor back one character
  • ctrl-a: Move the cursor to the beginning of a line
  • ctrl-e: Move to the end of a line
  • ctrl-k: Delete all words from the current cursor position to the end of the line
  • ctrl-x: Clear the entire line
  • ctrl-l: Redraw the current line
  • ctrl-p or UP arrow: Scroll backward through previously typed commands
  • ctrl-n or DOWN arrow: scroll forward through previously typed commands
  • ctrl-r: search through the command history

"The Almighty Pipe"

You can use the pipe command to control and take the output of one command such as show route and use it as the input for another command. Lets look at some examples:

  • count Count the number of lines in the output Eg: show interfaces terse count
  • display Show additional data such as XML tags or set commands. Eg: show configuration display set
  • except Omit lines from the output Eg: show interfaces terseexcept fe
  • find Begin the output at the string you specify Eg: show interfaces fe-0/0/2 extensive find traffic
  • hold Hold output in the buffer until you clear it Eg: show route hold
  • match Display only lined that match a pattern you specify Eg: show log messages match "jun 4"
  • no-more Do not show output a page at a time Eg: show system statistics arp no-more
  • save Save output to a file in a user's /home directory Eg: show interfacessave interface_routername

CLI or Not to CLI...That is our question!

Jweb is the graphical configuration tool for J-Series routers. I am going to mainly focus on the CLI commands. The CLI is multi-modal. The two modes are operational and configuration mode.

Mode differences and the run command:
  • Operational Mode is for troubleshooting and monitoring the status of the router, network, and software
  • Configuration Mode is where interfaces, routing protocols, and other statements are located.
  • Any command you can do in operational mode, you can do in configuration mode with the run command
Eg: user@routername# run show route

"Gaining Access to the Router"

Access to the router can be accomplished in a number of ways:
  • Direct physical console access
  • Secure Shell or SSH
  • Telnet

Upon gaining access to the router, you will see a login: prompt. After supplying a valid username and password you will be in operational mode (similar to user-exec mode in Cisco.)

Note: The only user where the above mentioned scenario is not the case is for the user root. The root user is placed into a shell and MUST issue the cli command.

EG: root@routername% cli

Commands in Operational Mode:

  • ping
  • traceroute
  • ssh
  • telnet
  • request (JUNOS specific) request commands are systemwide for rebooting, upgrade, and router shutdown
  • restart (JUNOS specific) like kill commands, used to restart or halt processes
  • test (JUNOS specific) used to test config files, interfaces, and policies similar to Access Control Lists (ACLs) in Cisco.

You can perform unix-like command completion using the SPACE or TAB keys (TAB completes commands and variables, like interface names, SPACE will only complete commands. When a command is ambiguous, JUNOS will list possible completions.

Note about software processes and the CLI:

The mgd daemon is the software process that controls the CLI.

RFE, PFE, and FEB Part Deux

As we forge on, we will now talk about the final part of the PFE. Packet buffering, queuing, and filtering are accomplished through the compact Forwarding Engine Board or cFEB.

"Would you like one, two, or three cFEBs With That?"

  • The M7i has a single cFEB only

  • The M10i has a primary and backup cFEB

  • The M120 has six cFEBs and can support N+1 redundancy

PICs can only be used in M and T series routers.

"The software based J-Series Router"

Previously we had explored the separation in Juniper routing platforms of the control and forwarding planes. The J-series router unlike M or T-Series accomplished the separation in software through a virtualized thread. But, just because the PFE is virtualized does not mean we are sans interfaces.

Acronyms of the Moment:

PIM: Physical Interface Module (J-Series only)

EPIM: Enhanced Physical Interface Module (Higher speeds supported, J-Series only, and specific slot position)

Who has PIMs?

  • J2320
  • J2350
  • J4350
  • J6350

The above mentioned J-Sereies routers are all Enterprise class routers. The M and T series are usually used as core, backbone, or aggregator routers.

"Who Knows? JUNOS!"

JUNOS the operating system that runs on Juniper routers is built in a modular robust way using FreeBSD Unix.

  • Single image of JUNOS for all M/T and J series routers regardless of model number.
  • JUNOS is modular through the use of software daemons
  • Kernel is transparent to user but many unix-like commands exist in the CLI
  • Fully independent software processes for control of routing, CLI and so on.
  • List processes with show system processes

A note on processes and the J-Series...

The major difference in daemon processes for the J-series is the fwdd daemon (Forwarding Devices Daemon) which is the software PFE.

Onward to CLI!

RE, PFE, and FEB Oh My!

Last Session, I talked briefly about Juniper M and T router platforms. But, no router can be complete without the ability to forward packets to different networks and to perform what is affectionately called "best path selection."

Acronyms of the moment:

FEB: Forwarding Engine Board (M-Series, might also be listed as cFEB which is compact FEB)

Before we explore more about the M and T Series routing platforms, I thought it prudent to talk a bit about some of the components that comprise equipment that is part of the "backbone of the Internet."

The Routing Engine or RE has a few primary functions:

  1. Manage packet forwarding though the use of the PFE (Packet forwarding engine)
  2. Control JUNOS the router OS
  3. Manage the command line interface or CLI
  4. Maintain master packet forwarding table and route tables
  5. Provide troubleshooting tools

A Note on the routing and forwarding tables...

The routing table in JUNOS is comprised of all protocols and all routes whether they are static or dynamic. The forwarding table provides "best routes" for best path selection.

"Oh to be Separated!"

All Juniper routing platforms no matter the series do have some things in common. In all platforms there is a clean separation between the RE or "control plane" as it is sometimes called and the "forwarding plane" which is the packet forwarding engine or PFE. Also, JUNOS provides a modular, single software train, feature rich OS that is easier to manage. Gone are the days of long lists of system images.

What this means to you: The ability to run debug and troubleshooting commands without bogging down a router!

Note: Packet forwarding is also called "process switching"

The information in the packet forwarding table is passed to the PFE and it pushes packets to the next hop address. So therein lies more separation between forwarding and control.

"In the Hardware...."

For the M-Series platform, the PFE is a collection of Application Specific Integrated Circuits or ASICs that are on cards placed into the router chassis. (It is similar to a line card.) We will talk more about the J-Series router in a later section.

So you are probably wondering where are my interfaces? Not to fear the Physical Interface Card is here or PIC! The PIC holds the interfaces you will plug into such as Ethernet or Serial just to name a few. The PIC as an ASIC that controls the layers 1 and 2 aspects of pushing and pulling data from the wire and framing. (The layers I am referring to are layers of the OSI model.)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Notes and Exam Topics 1

Exam Topics Breakdown for JNCIA-ER (JNO-342)

Audience Considerations: Operating Juniper Networks Routers in the Enterprise

The prerequisite is a basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocols.
While not required, familiarity with the command-line interface of a routing platform or UNIX system is helpful.

Exam Objectives

list line of enterprise routers
describe transit and host processing
packet flow differences between M7i/M10 and J-Series routers
key differences between the M7i/M10 and J-Series routers
configuration management
JUNOS CLI features (modes, prompts, auto-complete, EMACS keystrokes, and pipe
commands used in configuration mode (edit, set, delete, and commit)
manipulation of saved configuration files (rollback and load, and rollback file locations)
describe the configuration hierarchy
describe active, candidate, and rollback configurations

Acronyms of the Moment:

RE: Routing Engine
FRU: Field Replaceable Units
ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit
PIC: Physical Interface Card
FPC: Flexible Physical Interface Card Concentrator
PFE: Packet Forwarding Engine
PIM: Physical Interface Module
BSD: Berkeley Software Development
OJRE: Operating Juniper Routers in the Enterprise
CLI: Command Line Interface
GUI: Graphical User Interface
BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
MPLS: Multi-Protocol Label Switching (Traffic Shaped/Engineered Networks)
ISP: Internet Service Provider

We love our High-End Hardware!
M-Series and T-Series Selling Points: Your Network Core

Runs JUNOS, the Operating system found on Juniper Networks routers
JUNOS is derived FreeBSD Unix for software stability
Hardware based packet forwarding through the use of ASICs
Separate forwarding and Control Planes (More on this later!)
Web-based GUI management in addition to CLI
Rescue Configuration Option: rollback rescue
Supports multiple different physical media types in a single chassis

Where Exactly Do We Put Our M or T Router?
M and T platforms usually service large company enterprises and Internet Service Providers. These and other large companies comprise what is called “the backbone of the Internet.”

More notes coming soon!!!

Welcome to My Juniper Blog!

Hello Everyone,

This is my Juniper Networks certification and resource blog! I will post my study notes, thoughts and caveats on Juniper and the JNCIA-ER. Feel free to offer up resources that you feel would be helpful to those persuing Juniper Certifications.
