Thursday, June 19, 2008

The shape of things to come...

Before, we were talking about interfaces on our Juniper router. In this session we will begin with a more in depth discussion of transient interfaces. Remember that transient interfaces are able to be removed or changed out, permanent ones are not.

For now, let's talk a bit about the way interfaces are named in the Juniper world. The convention for all JUNOS interfaces is the interface name followed by three numbers that indicate the interface's physical location. It is in the form MM-F/P/T where:

  • MM: is the media type

  • F: is the chassis slot number

  • P: PIC slot number

  • T: Port number

Listed here are a few common media types and a little bit about them:

  • ae: Aggregated Ethernet which is a logical link of multiple Ethernet interfaces (IEEE 802.3ad Analogous to Etherchannel in Cisco)

  • at: ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) sends fixed-length 53 byte cells over the transport media. Also can be use for ATM over Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL)

  • br: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

  • e1: Standard digital communication over copper at 2.048Mbps (Used in Europe)

  • e3: Standard digital communication over copper at 34.368Mbps (Used in Europe)

  • t1: Physical layer standard used extensively in North America (Digital signal level 1) at 1.544Mbps

  • t3: Physical layer standard used extensively in North America (Digital signal level 3) at 44.736Mbps

  • fe: 100Mbps standard created by Xerox in the 1970s, referred to as a Local Area Network or LAN

  • ge: High speed Ethernet standard at 1 or 10 Gbps

  • se: Serial one bit at a time communication (EIA 530,V.35, X.21)

  • ct1: T1 interface divided into 24 DS0 channels (DS0 is 56 kbps)

The 'F' in the interface name represents a chassis slot number

  • On an M-Series router it is represented by a Flexible PIC Concentrator slot number, with two possible slot orientations horizontal or vertical. For the M40e and M320 are vertically mounted starting with slot 0 and counting from left to right. The smaller M7i and M10i are horizontally mounted starting with 0 and counting from top to bottom

  • Note: The M7i slot 1 is reserved for the Fixed Interface Card slots

  • A J-Series router has PIMs instead of PICs because the RE is implemented in software.

  • For a J-Series router, all fixed ports live in slot zero, and PIM slots are numbered 1-6 from top to bottom and left to right.

The PIC slot number is represented by the letter P. In the M-Series routers four PICs can fit into one Flexible PIC concentrator slot starting at 0 and going to slot 3. The direction of PIC slot numbering is dependant on the chassis orientation whether horizontal or vertical. Let's explore this in a little more detail:

  • In the vertical M-Series chassis orientation, PIC slots are counted 0.1,2,3 top to bottom

  • For the horizontal M-Series like the M7i and M10i, PIC numbering is right to left 0,1,2,3

  • Thing of note: For the M7i second FPC slot, only two possible slot numbers exist, one for a built-in tunnel interface or an ASM (Adaptive Services Module) and slot three is for Fixed Ethernet interfaces.
  • In the J-Series there are no PIC slots so the F naming convention for interface naming is always set to zero

The last part of the interface name represented by the letter T is the physical port. There are various ways the physical ports are numbered, depending on the PIC and router model.

  • For vertical chassis orientations like the M40e and M320 port numbers begin in the top right of the chassis and move from the bottom to the top and then left to right.
  • For horizontal chassis orientations like the M20, M7i, and M10i port numbers begin in the bottom right of the chassis and move right to left then, bottom to top.
  • Note: To avoid confusion, the port numbers are always written on the PICs themselves
  • Fixed Ethernet ports in the M7i from right to left starting at zero
  • For the J-Series, ALL ports are numbered left to right

Here I will list a few M-Series example interfaces to show the interface numbering more clearly:

se-1/0/0 : Serial interface FPC slot 1 , PIC slot 0, port 0

fe-0/2/1 : Fast Ethernet interface in FPC slot 0, PIC slot 2, port 2 (remember port numbering starts with 0!)

t1-1/0/1 : T1 interface in FPC slot 1, PIC slot zero, port 2

In the next section we will begin Interface Properties in JUNOS....

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